Can't Sign Into Your Account

If you can't sign into your Bloc account or have issues accessing the Bloc dashboard, it may be because of one or more of the following reasons:

  1. You submitted the wrong login details (email address/password)
  2. You don't have an account with Bloc.
  3. You have a bad internet connection.
  4. You may have some issues loading the dashboard with your browser

Here are a few things you can do to solve the issue.

You submitted the wrong login details.

  • Confirm your email & password. The first thing you should do if you can't sign into your Bloc dashboard is to check if your email and password are correct. Make sure that you are entering the correct email and password combination. Remember that passwords are case-sensitive, so double-check that you have the correct capitalization.
  • Reset your password. If you're sure that you're entering the correct login details but still can't sign in, try changing your password. To change your password, click on the "forgot password" link on the sign-in page, and follow the steps provided to reset your password.

You don't have an account with Bloc.

  • Create a new account with Bloc. Visit our website, and create a new account for yourself. Without an account, you cannot sign into Bloc.
  • Confirm that you've been invited by your organization. If you were invited by an admin to join a Bloc organization account, reach out to your admin to reinvite you again. Ensure you set up your account with the same email address used by the admin to send your invite.

You have a bad internet connection.

  • Check your internet connection. If you're still having trouble signing in, check your internet connection. Make sure that you're connected to a stable internet connection. Here are some tips to try:
    • If you're using Wi-Fi, try moving closer to the router or resetting it.
    • If you're using a mobile data connection, make sure that you have a strong signal or switch to a Wi-Fi connection.

You may have some issues loading the dashboard with your browser.

  • Make sure you are using a desktop, laptop or tablet. Currently, the Bloc dashboard cannot be accessed on a mobile device. However, watch out for the Bloc mobile app for iOS and Android coming soon.
  • Clear your browser's cache and cookies. Sometimes, issues with signing in can be caused by problems with your browser. Clear your browser's cache and cookies, and try accessing the dashboard again. If you're not sure how to do this, see the instructions below for some of the popular web browsers:
  • Restart your browser. Still not working? Try closing and launching your browser again, or try another browser on your desktop.

Contact Support

If you have tried everything and still cannot log in to your dashboard, there may be an issue with your account.

Please send us a chat — you can do this by clicking on the Support widget in the bottom left corner of your screen — or send us an email: [email protected].

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